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WODC Budget consultation

WODC are inviting members of the public to suggest how funding should be prioritised

Published: 12 December 2024

We are currently building our budget for the 2025 to 2026 financial year and we want your views to help us prioritise where to spend our funding. Being open and transparent about how we spend taxpayers’ money is important to us so thank you for taking the time to read about our budget and for giving us your thoughts.

Councillor Alaric Smith, Executive Member for Finance, said “We have an ambitious plan to deliver better services, support communities and improve our district but ten years of funding cuts and high inflation have left us with far less money to spend on local services.  

“While recent budgets have increased funding for some areas, most of this has been allocated to the county council and West Oxfordshire’s budget remains tight. 

“We are confident in our ability to minimise the impact of the financial challenge, maintain service quality, and invest in our community. However, we want to give you the opportunity to help shape those decisions.”

We would like to ask your views on where we prioritise our spend but first we will provide some information on how the council’s funding works to help you in those decisions.

Project: West Oxfordshire District Council budget consul… | West Oxfordshire District Council

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